  • Avail Tax Exemption Under Section 80G
  • Rescue of a mother cow tail injury
The many ways you can support

Help us to strengthen our emergency relief service

Uphold welfare and dignity of animals. Spread the word about our work and help to garner more support. In addition, you can choose to make a generous donation and get tax benefits under Sec 80G (applicable for donations of ₹500 & above).

Just like us, animals need protection and care during crisis situations.

We respond immediately to such distress calls.

A crisis situation may arise either due to medical conditions or as an after effect of natural calamities. During emergencies and disaster relief operations, we provide medical aid to affected or impacted animals. Some of the very recent emergency relief services that we undertook were:

  • Medical aid across India to mitigate the spread of Lumpy Skin Disease (LSD).
  • Fed to 30,000+ stray animals during the first COVID-19 lockdown.
  • Provided dog collar and dog coat to around 3,000 stray dogs under our “Save Animal from Cold” Project.

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